Brushed vs. Brushless Dental Electric Motors

Brushed vs. Brushless Dental Electric Motors

May 30,2024

Whether you're a dental professional or a curious patient, understanding the differences between brushed and brushless dental electric motors can help you make informed decisions about dental equipment. This article delves into the intricacies of these two types of motors, comparing their features, benefits, and applications in the dental industry.

What Are Dental Electric Motors?

Dental electric motors are essential for various dental tools, including handpieces, endodontic systems, and surgical devices. These motors convert electrical energy into mechanical motion, enabling precise and efficient dental procedures. There are two primary types of dental electric motors: brushed and brushless.

Brushed Dental Electric Motors

Brushed motors use carbon brushes to transfer electrical current to the motor's rotor. The brushes make contact with a commutator attached to the rotor, creating a magnetic field that causes the rotor to spin.


Cost-Effective: Brushed motors are generally less expensive to manufacture and purchase.
Simplicity: Their straightforward design makes them easy to maintain and repair.
Availability: Widely available and used in many dental tools.


Wear and Tear: The brushes and commutator wear out over time, requiring regular maintenance and replacement.
Heat Generation: Brushed motors tend to generate more heat, which can affect performance and longevity.
Noise: These motors are typically noisier due to the friction between the brushes and the commutator.

Brushless Dental Electric Motors

Brushless motors, as the name suggests, do not use brushes. Instead, they rely on electronic controllers to switch the current in the motor windings, creating a rotating magnetic field that drives the rotor.


Durability: With no brushes to wear out, brushless motors have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance.
Efficiency: These motors are more efficient, converting electrical energy into mechanical motion.
Quiet Operation: Brushless motors operate more quietly, enhancing patient comfort during procedures.
Precision: They offer better control and precision, which is crucial for delicate dental work.


Cost: Brushless motors are generally more expensive due to their complex design and electronic components.
Complexity: They require sophisticated electronic controllers, which can complicate repairs and maintenance.

Comparing Brushed and Brushless Motors

Feature Brushed Motors Brushless Motors
Cost Lower initial cost Higher initial cost
Maintenance Requires regular maintenance Minimal maintenance required
Lifespan Shorter due to brush wear Longer due to lack of brushes
Efficiency Less efficient More efficient
Noise Noisier Quieter
Heat Generation Generates more heat Generates less heat
Precision Adequate for general use Superior for precision tasks

Applications in Dentistry


Brushed Motors

General Dentistry: Suitable for routine procedures where cost-effectiveness is a priority.
Basic Endodontics: Adequate for standard root canal treatments.

Brushless Motors

Advanced Endodontics: Ideal for complex root canal procedures requiring high precision.
Oral Surgery: Preferred for surgical tools due to their reliability and efficiency.
Prosthodontics: Beneficial for tasks requiring meticulous attention to detail, such as crown and bridge work.

Choosing the Right Motor for Your Practice

When selecting between brushed and brushless motors, consider the following factors:
Budget: If cost is a primary concern, brushed motors may be more appealing. However, the long-term savings from reduced maintenance and longer lifespan of brushless motors can offset the initial investment.
Type of Procedures: For high-precision and complex procedures, brushless motors offer superior performance.
Patient Comfort: Brushless motors' quieter operation can enhance the patient experience, making them a better choice for practices focused on patient comfort.


Understanding the differences between brushed and brushless dental electric motors is crucial for making informed decisions about dental equipment. While brushed motors offer cost-effectiveness and simplicity, brushless motors provide superior efficiency, durability, and precision. By considering your practice's needs and budget, you can choose the right motor to enhance your dental procedures and improve patient outcomes. This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable insights into the world of dental electric motors, helping dental professionals make informed choices that benefit their practice and patients. For more information on dental tools and equipment, visit Jerry Medical.